Talk Tarot

Talking Tarot Always

About Talk Tarot:

Talk Tarot is the brain child of empath and natural intuitive Lorraine McGhee, with over twenty years tarot reading experience Lorraine has decided to share her knowledge, insight and wisdom with future generations of tarot readers. It is Lorraine’s firm belief that there is a tarot reader inside all of us just waiting to get out and anyone can learn to read tarot both proficiently and accurately she has therefore made it her goal to help as many people as possible reach an understanding of the ancient wisdom of the tarot which they can use for their benefit of their own lives.

A word from Lorraine:

Hi and welcome to Talk Tarot, I am so delighted to see you here and look forward to sharing your tarot reading journey. I guess I should start by telling you a bit about my own tarot reading journey: As a child I was naturally intuitive and empathic, like many empaths I was often described as over-emotional, too soft and one famous quote that stands out is I “was too sweet to be wholesome” and like many child intuitives my foresights and insights were often thought to be the product of a “vivid imagination” that were later found to have more than a little grounding in fact, what was not so easily dismissible was my uncanny ability to know about people and events that occurred before my birth. Fast forward to my teen years and I had by this time gotten use to infrequent prophetic dreams and strange gut feelings that wouldn’t shift until they were given a voice, like many teens I had a fascination with the occult and supernatural and read many, many books regarding the subject. I obtained my first tarot deck at the age of 15; a native American based deck that was on sale at a local bookstore and my passion was ignited. By the age of seventeen I had acquired two more decks and had begun reading for friends and co workers, then friends and the families of friends and my fledgling career was born. However as a naturally academic individual with a gift for sciences and the languages I was not so gently informed that I was wasting my gifts and herded into pursuing a “real career” which I did very successfully for a while.  However the twists and turns of the wheel of fortune kept handing me one affliction after the other which would stay my career and cause me to head back to the wisdom of the tarot, that’s the funny thing about fortune or fate it keeps giving you chances to try an other path, leaving little hints that you have strayed from a happier more fulfilling path, my little hints came in the form of health crises, seeming disasters that forced me to reflect and re-evaluate and through it all, through every celebration and tribulation the tarot was there waiting for me like an old friend welcoming me home.

My journey with the tarot has been a truly fascinating and supposing I read the tarot everyday until I am in my 100th year I know there will always be more it can teach me not only about the tarot itself but about life; about the inter-connectnedness of all things, it is truly a wondrous tool and there is no end to what one can learn…if they are willing. Studying the tarot has led me to study astrology, angelology, numerology, sacred geometry, Egyptology, mythology, hermeticism, spirituality and sacred geometry and there is always more to learn. It has taught me that a head full of knowledge is pointless without a heart full of experience, only the combination of both can provide true wisdom, true guidance.

Whilst this website and indeed Talk Tarot itself may appear to you and I to be in its infancy, it is in fact a life’s’ work, every card I have ever read, every reading I have ever done, every experience, every success, every failure, every smile and every tear I have ever had has led me to here, led to this: Talk Tarot is not only a life’s work but my life purpose. It is my firm intention that Talk Tarot become one of the premiere tarot resources on the internet making the wisdom of the tarot open and accessible to all regardless of experience or educational back ground; tarot is a willing teacher who speaks in volumes to those who will but listen. The wisdom and guidance of the tarot has enriched my life on so many levels and it can do the same for anyone, it can do the same for you dear reader.

About Talk Tarot:

Talk Tarot is primarily a tarot reading resource site where one can learn the intricacies and subtleties of reading tarot alongside the basics.

Talk Tarot is based in Lanarskhire, Scotland, UK to contact talk tarot please use the contact page (currently under construction).

If you would like to book a personal reading with Lorraine please see the tarot reading booking page (currently under construction). Please note that reading availability varies both due to demand and other commitments.



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Under UK law, it is a legal obligation to state that "Tarot Readings are considered entertainment only and are not to be considered to constitute professional advice". I must agree that I find improving and empowering lives via the medium of tarot reading highly entertaining however tarot readings should never replace the advice of a qualified medical, financial or legal professional.

Copyright Notice

All original tarot card images and author quotes from copyrighted materials are utilised under the fair use exclusions of the copyright act. Copyright remains with the original author or creator of such works. All Talk Tarot articles, posts and images are the copyright of Talk Tarot in general and Lorraine McGhee exclusively. Sharing, Linking and other forms of material dissemination is greatly appreciated but please do provide credits to this site and author. Thank you.